回春 長春藤,綠藝首席1樓,興天地13樓,朕權10樓,百合館13樓, 0922062307劉建華,花蓮民宿 燕達聯合訂房中心,金正日 北韓國寶五美,步步驚心2021-6-20
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ptf/ptf10732/u/4.jpg">


  • Vegetarian Capsules
  • Herbal Supplement
  • Formulated by Michael Tierra L.Ac, O.M.D
  • Non GMO Validated

Triphala is a potent yet gentle three-fruit herbal complex that uniquely supports GI (gastrointestinal) tract wellness. Supported by emerging science and traditional use, Triphala cleanses, tonifies, and revitalizes the tissues of the entire GI tract, setting the stage for better digestion and regular elimination to help you feel better. Triphala has been the corner-stone herbal formula for GI wellness in the East for more than 1,000 years.

A portion of Planetary Herbals Triphala Gold sales helps support the Dunagiri Foundation, dedicated to protecting and sustaining Himalayan medicinal plants at risk of extinction.


2 capsules twice daily.

網路價:303元,結帳享5%折扣後 288


  • 含小球藻
  • 草本補充劑
  • Michael Tierra L.Ac,O.M.D批准生產



每日3次,每次2 1/2管。使用前請搖勻。

網路價:439元,結帳享5%折扣後 418
網路價:259元,結帳享5%折扣後 247
網路價:220元,結帳享5%折扣後 209


  • 促進大腦健康
  • 藜豆標準化提取物
  • 含 15% 天然 L-多巴
  • Non-GMO
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 素食/純素
  • 猶太潔食
  • 植物基/草本
  • 始於 1968 年,家族所有
  • GMP 品質保證
多巴胺是一種可影響情緒,讓人產生快感的神經遞質。本 NOW® 多巴藜豆產品含 15% L-多巴(多巴胺前體),可能有助於促進機體合成多巴胺。藜豆是印度阿育吠陀醫級中一種傳統草本,至今已有數千年使用歷史。


每次 1 至 2 粒,隨餐服用。早上服用效果更佳。
網路價:632元,結帳享5%折扣後 601